Tuesday, June 29, 2010

usted tiene un amigo en mí

Roommate for Disney? Check.

After living in a studio apartment alone for my degree in Baking & Patisserie, it's a new experience for me to actually live with another person outside of my family. Not that long ago, I received an e-mail from Disney World that gave me the name as well as the e-mail address of my roommate that they were matching me up with..

And following quickly after that e-mail was my roommate e-mailing me.

We have both found that Disney either did their homework, or it's the Disney magic at work. We both have a lot in common, and have been communicating daily about our upcoming trip. Let's just say you will see plenty going on in our lives this fall.

If I wasn't already looking forwards to this experience, my new roommate has made me want this even more.

43 more days until check-in.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Her Father's Eyes

Yesterday was Father's Day, and my dad is a huge fan of food. My present to him? A day of food.

For breakfast, we started off light. However, it looked like these banana muffins needed something.

Much better.

And the end result?

These Banana Crumb muffins were a hit. No butter or extra flavors needed. It really didn't take long at all for them to disappear.

Just like that.

For dessert we went from this..

To this..

And this.

To this.

The whole family loves Texas Sheet Cake, and this one has been singled down to 3 pieces.

A heaven to any chocolate lover. Not only is it light and fluffy, it's also rich and moist making it a perfect match for a glass of milk.

On top of baking, I also went for more of a dinner meal which included;

Sweet-n-Sour Shrimp

Chipotle Grilled Shrimp

And a family favorite, Rib-Eye Steak

Dad grilled everything, but he wanted to.. And is the grill master of the household, so I let him work. Everything turned out great, and Dad really seemed to enjoy everything. Mission accomplished.

51 more days Mickey. Only 51 more days to go until I begin cooking for you.